We met Lizzo outside, sitting on top of a cage, out in the country. He was very vocal, excited over having company and was very willing to start a new adventure. He has been such a pleasure to work with. He is interested in whatever you are doing, he wants to be included, loved, and given some love. He can easily become someone’s best friend. He is very observant and responsive to your moods. He seems to prefer women but he doesn’t hate men. We don’t know how old he is but he is a middle-aged bird in good health. Oh, and he has the largest crest of all the cockatoos we have. It is a thing of beauty.
Pablo Escobar the Congo African Grey (CAG) joined Papayago Rescue House in 2015. His previous mom was juggling a lot—back in school and raising two teenagers—so even though it was a difficult decision, she knew she couldn’t provide Pablo with the time, quality care, and veterinary attention he needed. At PRH, Pablo has found a …