Kiya lost her mom years ago in an accident. She was being sold at a bird fair by an older...
We met Lizzo outside, sitting on top of a cage, out in the country. He was very vocal, excited over...
We received a call from a concerned neighbor right before Christmas that several animals were abandoned in a house and...
Kiaya Grey
Kiaya lost his home due to a new job, relocation, and a change to an apartment. Kiaya seems to be...
Jelly Bean
She is a shy G2 who has been in a previous rescue for a long time. She will make friends...
Our floof of zebra finches are our hospice kids. They came in from a bad hoarding, overcrowded, and rampant breeding...
Quite the talker Piper is. He has something to say in a very interesting way. He has been in rescue...
A lovely little boy interested in everything! Loves chop and pellets and nuts, chewing wood on his stainless steel serving...
Poor Devito. He came in with his mate just passed and 4 new hatchlings that were dying due to Malnutrition....
A beautiful lovebird, flighted, and busy! Apollo has a friend named Helios. They are bonded. They are a joy to...