He was bought as a baby with a crop burn. The nice people who bought him rushed him to the vet for emergency surgery. He lost a bit of his crop but you can’t tell! He eats well and is an active, healthy boy. He is looking for a friend who understands B&G macaws because he does the bluff, blush, and beak play. He is still quite young but he has feathering issues due to hormonal upregulation that should return as he adjusts to the deslorelin implant. He will make a great companion and friend.
Pablo Escobar the Congo African Grey (CAG) joined Papayago Rescue House in 2015. His previous mom was juggling a lot—back in school and raising two teenagers—so even though it was a difficult decision, she knew she couldn’t provide Pablo with the time, quality care, and veterinary attention he needed. At PRH, Pablo has found a …