Patchouli is approximately 32 years old. We don’t know when she was last in a home environment. She was in a rescue and a store. She is an ex breeder from what we were told. However, she doesn’t appear to behave as an ex breeder in that she doesn’t have issues with having relationships with people, she doesn’t show signs of cage protection, and she hasn’t laid any eggs since being with us. She shows normal signs of being a female G2 cockatoo with previous issues with hormonal plucking. She will want a friendship that she doesn’t have to share with another bird we believe. She loves to be read to, lap sit, and watch tv.
Pablo Escobar the Congo African Grey (CAG) joined Papayago Rescue House in 2015. His previous mom was juggling a lot—back in school and raising two teenagers—so even though it was a difficult decision, she knew she couldn’t provide Pablo with the time, quality care, and veterinary attention he needed. At PRH, Pablo has found a …