The Man Cave – A Brotherhood of Feathers. Welcome to The Man Cave, a sanctuary for male cockatiels who find...
The She Shed
The She Shed – A Sanctuary of Sisterhood Welcome to The She Shed, a peaceful haven where a flock of...
Sweet Selena
Selena is a lovebird abandoned outside a Walmart by the garbage cans. It is a shame. However, Sweet Selena is...
Gabriella is a vibrant Sun Conure with a personality as bright as her feathers! This little firecracker is full of...
Sunny Soleil
Sunny Soleil s a stunning lovebird with a big personality and a strong independent streak! While she isn’t interested in...
Papaya was bought at a bird fair for a child. As most children do, that child grew up and went...
Jerry is a friend to Bleu. Jerry was obtained on a whim and started off as Jenny. Jerry was quite...
Our floof of zebra finches are our hospice kids. They came in from a bad hoarding, overcrowded, and rampant breeding...
Eric The Great
Eric was a found cockatiel not able to “escape” very well due to his distended crop. We took him to...
A beautiful lovebird, flighted, and busy! Apollo has a friend named Helios. They are bonded. They are a joy to...
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