They may talk.

But do we listen?

Your Next Family Member is Waiting For You!

We believe that long lived parrots deserve love and educated companionship. It’s not about being perfect, it’s about being perfect for one another.

Pet Poison Control Centers

If you think your parrot has eaten something potentially dangerous, call your veterinarian or a pet poison control center right away.

ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center


Pet Poison Helpline


Your New Companion

Pablo Escobar the Congo African Grey (CAG) joined Papayago Rescue House in 2015. His previous mom was juggling a lot—back in school and raising two teenagers—so even though it was a difficult decision, she knew she couldn’t provide Pablo with the time, quality care, and veterinary attention he needed. At PRH, Pablo has found a …

Sugar Pattie, a beautiful Sulphur Crested Cockatoo, first came into Papayago Rescue House’s life to board. We love connecting with new-to-us parrot caregivers through our services. We quickly fell in love with Sugar and her infectious personality. In 2018, her mom reached out for help. Sugar Pattie had broken her leg, and her mom needed …

Lola is a beautiful 12-year-old female Eclectus parrot. Sadly, Lola's life took a difficult turn when her "mom" became ill with cancer. Unable to provide the care she once could, Lola and her three siblings were surrendered to our rescue.Coming to us under such circumstances is always heartbreaking, but Lola's story has an added layer …


2024 Pledge Drive for the budget requirements of PRH

Other Donation Methods

you can help

Go to the Vet

Did you know you can help one bird go to the vet for a donation of $85.00 or an avian vet for a donation of $135.00.


Join Our Volunteer Team!

Join our volunteer team today and help us save more lives. Read more about our volunteer program here.

Our Stories

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