We met Lizzo outside, sitting on top of a cage, out in the country. He was very vocal, excited over having company and was very willing to start a new adventure. He has been such a pleasure to work with. He is interested in whatever you are doing, he wants to be included, loved, and …
Your Next Family Member is Waiting For You!
We believe that long lived parrots deserve love and educated companionship. It’s not about being perfect, it’s about being perfect for one another.
Meet & greet with our birds ready for adoption. Get started with our online adoption application today!
Sponsor a bird while they are with us. Find a Sponsor Now for each bird via their profile.
Every little bit counts!
Your genereous donation helps those birds who have no one.
You can help parrots with your time, energy, love, and patience.
Pet Poison Control Centers
If you think your parrot has eaten something potentially dangerous, call your veterinarian or a pet poison control center right away.
Your New Companion
Phantom came to us 5 years ago due to his Dad having to be taken to emergency. The hotel called us and asked us if we would come and pick up 20-year-old Phantom. We have held him as a hardship boarder for all these years hoping he and Dad could be reunited. Unfortunately, it isn't …
2024 Pledge Drive for the budget requirements of PRH
Other Donation Methods
you can help
Go to the Vet
Did you know you can help one bird go to the vet for a donation of $85.00 or an avian vet for a donation of $135.00.
Join Our Volunteer Team!
Join our volunteer team today and help us save more lives. Read more about our volunteer program here.