Help Build a Home for the Parrots: Expand the Rescue and Create a Sanctuary

Donation Details
Every day, across Georgia, countless parrots suffer due to neglect, abuse, or abandonment. They are highly intelligent, social creatures with vibrant personalities, and they deserve better lives. Our parrot rescue has been a beacon of hope for these birds, providing shelter, love, and rehabilitation. But, we believe it’s time to take our mission to the next level, and we need your support to make it happen.
Our Vision: A Bigger Home and a Sanctuary for Parrots in Need
We envision a time when parrots, regardless of their past, can find a safe haven where they are cherished and can thrive. To turn this vision into reality, we are embarking on an ambitious project: expanding our rescue and creating a sanctuary arm dedicated to parrots.
Why We Need More Space:
- Overwhelming Demand: Our current facilities are stretched to the limit. The demand for our rescue services is growing steadily, and we often find ourselves at full capacity.
- Improved Living Conditions: With more space, we can provide larger enclosures, natural environments, and enriching experiences for the parrots under our care, improving their overall quality of life.
- Specialized Care: Expanding our rescue allows us to hire more skilled staff and invest in medical care, behavioral rehabilitation, and training programs tailored to the individual needs of each parrot.
Why We Need a Sanctuary:
- Lifelong Care: Some parrots come to us with severe physical or emotional trauma, making them unsuitable for adoption. A sanctuary will provide them with a permanent, loving home.
- Education and Outreach: The sanctuary will serve as an educational hub, teaching visitors about the complexities of parrot ownership and advocating for ethical parrot care.
- Hospice: We, as a society, have not begun to deal with the vast amounts of parrots that are euthanized due to the cost of care for birds with illnesses.
- Freedom: Giving them remaining time in a much larger enclosure with flock mates that allows for freedom of movement and choice would be the ultimate gift as we can’t return them to a place in the wild they have never been and are ill-equipped to manage on their own.
Your Support Can Make the Difference:
- Construction: Building larger enclosures, aviaries, and medical facilities requires substantial funding.
- Staffing: Hiring experienced caregivers, veterinarians, and educators will ensure the best possible care for our parrots.
- Maintenance: The ongoing cost of feeding, medical care, and enrichment for our parrots will increase with the expansion.
Ways You Can Help:
- Donate: Your generous donations will directly fund the construction, staffing, and maintenance of our expanded rescue and sanctuary.
- Volunteer: Join our team as a volunteer to contribute your time and skills to care for parrots, organize events, or assist in fundraising efforts.
- Spread the Word: Share our mission and campaign with your friends, family, and colleagues. The more people who know about our cause, the more support we can gather.
- Fundraise: Host your own fundraising events or campaigns on our behalf to help us reach our goals faster.
Together, We Can Build a Brighter Future for Parrots:
We believe that every parrot deserves to spread its wings, both metaphorically and literally. With your support, we can provide a brighter future for these intelligent, charismatic creatures. Your contribution will not only help parrots in need but also promote responsible parrot ownership.
Join us in our journey to create a sanctuary where parrots can be parrots – where they can thrive, be happy, and spread their vibrant colors for generations to come.
Donate today and be a part of our mission to create a haven for parrots in need.
Together, we can make a profound difference in the lives of these remarkable birds.
Help Us Build A Home.
Donate now! Support our mission to help parrots in need in our community!